
Friday, December 10, 2021


The Bridge Function Room - Hotel Horison Suites & Residences Rasuna Jakarta,
Taman Rasuna Apartment Complex
H.R. Rasuna Said St - South Jakarta


13:30 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the Board of Directors' accountability report regarding the course of the company for the financial year 2020.
  2. Approval and ratification of the company's Statement of Balance Sheet and Income statement, and Other Comprehensive Income of the financial year 2020.
  3. Approval for the election of an Independent Public Accountant Firm to audit the company Financial Report of the financial year 2021.
  4. Approval to extent the mandate of Board of Commissioners related to the Series B Shares issuance to exercise warrants issued in order to global bond restructuring.
  5. Approval of changes and/or reappointment of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
  6. Approval to include dividends taken by entitled shareholders since 2011 into the Special Reserves as stipulated in Article 73 paragraph (1) of Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. ("UUPT").


Source #1
ELTY - PT. Bakrieland Development Tbk

Rp 10

-1 (-9,00%)