
Thursday, July 28, 2022


Albergo Ballroom, The Bellezza 7th floor
Letjend. Soepeno St No.34,
Permata Hijau Artery, South Jakarta


09:30 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval of the company's Annual Report regarding the company's business operations and administration of the financial year 2021; as well as ratification of the company's Consolidated Financial Statements of the financial year 2021; and to release and discharge of all responsibilities (volledig acquit et de charge) to all Board members for the management and supervision carried out in the financial year 2021.
  2. Determination on the use of the company's profit of the financial year 2021.
  3. Appointment and dismissal of the company's Public Accountant under KAP Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Partners to audit the company's books 2022.
  4. Determination of salary, honorarium and bonuses for Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the financial year 2022.


Source #1
GPRA - PT. Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk

Rp 79

-2 (-2,00%)