
Friday, June 9, 2023


Company's Head Office,
Serpong KM 2, Pakulonan,
Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan, 15325


14:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the Company's Annual Report and the ratification of the Company's Financial Statements, including the Board of Commissioners Supervisory Report, for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2022.
  2. Determination of the use of the Company's net profit for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2022.
  3. Determination of remuneration and allowances for members of the Company's Board of Commissioners and the salaries amount and allowances for Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2023.
  4. Appointment of a Public Accountant to audit the Company's Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023.
  5. Report on the Use of Funds from the Initial Public Offering (IPO).
  6. Amendment of Article 19 paragraph 4 of the Company's Articles of Association concerning the announcement by the Board of Directors of the balance sheet and income statement that has been audited by a Public Accountant registered with the OJK in Indonesian-language newspapers with national circulation.


DEPO - PT. Caturkarda Depo Bangunan Tbk

Rp 218

-4 (-2,00%)