The Company hereby announced to the shareholders that the Company planned to repurchase the shares of the Company, that have been issued and listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange ("IDX") as many as 567,680,000 shares or by 8.00% of the entire issued and fully paid-up shares of the Company ("Shares Repurchase "), which will be carried out gradually in 18 months period maximum starting from the approval of the Shares Repurchase in General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company with reference to Law 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies ("Company Law ") and Regulation No.XI.B.2., Attachment of the Chairman Decision of Bapepam LK No. KEP-105 / BL/2010, on April 13, 2010 regarding the Shares Repurchase of issued by Issuers or Public Companies (" Regulation No.XI .B.2 ").

Related to the plan of shares repurchase, in accordance with the regulation apply, it required the approval from General Meeting of Shareholders ("AGM") of the Company, that will be hold on Wednesday, September 16, 2015, or on the other date as the delay/continuation.

The shareholders who were entitled to attend the AGM that had the names was registered in the Shareholders List of the Company and/or the Shareholders of the Company on the sub-accounts of PT. Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia/Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) at the close of the Company shares trading in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) on August 24, 2015.

RALS - PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk

Rp 346

-2 (-0,58%)