Due to a significant cumulative decrease in the stock price of PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk (WIDI), as a precautionary measure to protect investors, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia deems it necessary to temporarily halt the trading of PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk's (WIDI) shares and Series I Warrants (WIDI-W) on October 9, 2023.

The temporary suspension of trading for PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk (WIDI) shares is applicable in the Regular Market and Cash Market, while the temporary suspension of trading for Series I Warrants of PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk (WIDI-W) is implemented across all markets. The objective is to provide sufficient time for market participants to thoroughly consider information available for their investment decision-making related to the shares and Series I Warrants of PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk (WIDI & WIDI-W).

Stakeholders are encouraged to stay attentive to the company's disclosure of information.


WIDI - PT. Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk

Rp 15

-1 (-6,00%)