Day, Date

Thursday,  November 16, 2023


PT Primadaya Plastisindo Tbk Ruang Meeting Gedung B Jl. Raya Pasar Kemis No 84 Desa Suka Harja, Kec. Sindang Jaya, Tangerang, Banten 15560


10:00 WIB


Distribution of Stock Dividends originating from Capitalization of Retained Earnings for the Period 31 December 2022 and Distribution of Bonus Shares originating from additional paid-in capital for the period of December 31, 2022, as well as an increase in issued capital/paid-up capital and changes to the Company's articles of association in connection with the distribution of Share Dividends and Bonus Shares as well as the granting of power and authority to the Company's Directors with substitution rights to carry out all necessary actions in connection with the increase in issued capital/paid-up capital and changes to the articles of association


PDPP - PT. Primadaya Plastisindo Tbk

Rp 570

-5 (-1,00%)