
Thursday, June 2, 2016


Board Room, Financial Club Jakarta
Graha CIMB Niaga,27th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 58
Jakarta 12190


14:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval of the Annual Financial Statement of the Company and ratification of the Company's Annual Financial Statements for the year of 2015 and to give full acquittal release and discharge (acquit et decharge) to the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company with respect to the management and supervision exercised during the year of ended on 31 December 2015.
  2. Approval for the determination of the use of the Company’s net profit for financial year of 2015.
  3. To grant power of attorney and authority to the Board of Commissioners and/or Board of Directors of the Company to appoint Public Accountant to audit the Company’s Financial Statement for the year of 2016 and/or any other periods within 2016 (if needed) and to grant power of attorney to the Board of Commissioners and/or the Board of Directors of the Company to determine the honorarium of the Public Accountant together with any other requirements.
  4. Approval to give the authority to the Board of Commissioners of the Company to determine the remuneration and/or honorarium together with any other benefits for all members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company for the year of 2016.


  1. Approval to mortgage or pledge or or encumber with security rights, largely or wholly over the assets/properties directly or indirectly owned by the Company to all of its creditors, either the creditor of the Company and/or creditor of the Company’s Subsidiaries, including but not limited to (i) pledge over part or all the shares, which owned and controlled by the Company in its Subsidiaries, directly or indirectly owned by the Company as well as the others interest; (ii) fiducia of receiveables, bank accounts, insurance claims, inventory, escrow account of the Company and/or the Company’s Subsidiaries; (iii) charge or pledge or mortgage of any other assets, moveable or fix assets owned by the Company and/or the Company’s Subsidiaries, for the purpose of any financing or loan from third party provided to or obtained by the Company and/or the Company’s Subsidiaries (either for secured loan, bonds issuance, etc.), currently or which will be owned by the Company, as required in Article 102 Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning on Limited Liability Company, which shall be valid until the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.
  2. Approval to the Company’s plan to do stock split with ratio 1:5, in which the implementation of such stock split shall accordance to Indonesia Stock Exchange’s regulations and to grant power of attorney to the Board of Directors of the Company to amendment Clause 4 and any other amendment of the Article of Association of the Company in relation to such stock split
PSAB - PT. J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk

Rp 244

-14 (-5,43%)