
   Thursday, March 21, 2024


  Company Seminar Room
Pulo Ayang Kav. R-1 Pulogadung Industrial Estate,
Jakarta 13930


   10:00 (GMT+7)


  1.    Changes in the composition of the Company's Board of Directors.  
  2. Changes in the composition of the Company's Board of Commissioners.  
  3. Approval for the Company to obtain loans from current and/or future banks/creditors for a maximum principal amount of up to Rp 300,000,000,000 (Three Hundred Billion Rupiah) with a maximum interest rate of 13% per year and a maximum loan term of 5 years, either in a single transaction or through a series of loan agreements.  
  4. Approval of the actions of the Company's Board of Directors in using the Company's assets, or more than 50% of the Company's assets/equity value, as collateral for debts, and also in using the assets of the Company's subsidiaries and/or other parties (PT. Tanah Sumber Makmur) as collateral to current and/or future banks/creditors until all credit facilities received by the Company are declared fully paid by current and/or future banks/creditors.


TIRA - PT. Tira Austenite Tbk

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