
Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Anggrek Room, Neo Green Savana Hotel,
Sentul City,
Bogor 16810


09:30 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the Annual Report of the financial year 2015, consists of:
  2. The Board of Directors Report on the course of the Company and the Board of Commissioners oversight report in 2015.
  3. Financial statement, and Ratification of the Balance Sheet and Income statement of the financial year 2015, and to release and discharge of responsibilities to all Board members for the management and supervision conducted in the financial year 2015.
  4. Approval on the use of the Company's net profit of the financial year 2015.
  5. Changes in the Board members composition.
  6. Delegation of authority to Board of Directors to elect, and determine the honorarium and the requirement of the Public Accountant to audit the Company's financial statements in the financial year 2016.
BKSL - PT. Sentul City Tbk

Rp 77

-3 (-4,00%)