
Thursday, 10 April 2025


Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta Jl. Kapas No.1, Ngentak, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta55281


14:00 WIB


  1. Approval of the Company's Annual Report and Ratification of the Company's Financial Statements for the financial year 2024
  2. Determination on the utilisation of the Company's net profit for the financial year 2024.
  3. Approval of the appointment of a Public Accountant to audit the Company's books for the financial year of the Company which will end on 31 December 2025.
  4. Approval of changes and reappointment of all or part of the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
  5. Approval to authorise the Board of Commissioners to determine the salary and benefits of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.


EAST - PT. Eastparc Hotel Tbk

Rp 99

-1 (-1,00%)