
Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Financial Club, Gedung Graha Niaga, 27th Floor 
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 58, 
Jakarta 12190


14:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval of the Annual Report including the Financial Statements and the Ratification of the Board of Commissioners Supervisory Report Fiscal Year 2015;
  2. Appointment of Public Accountant to audit the Company's Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2016; and
  3. Determination of salaries / honorarium and allowances for the Board of Commissioners and the determination of salary and allowances for the Directors.


  1. Approval of the additional loan facility of the Company to PT Multi Berkat Energi (formerly PT Ancora Resources) (hereinafter referred to as "PT MBE") as the majority
  2. shareholder of the Company which is a material transaction as stipulated in Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency Regulation No. IX.E.2, Appendix of the Decision of Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency Chairman Decree No. Kep-614/BL/2011 dated 28 November 2011 regarding Material Transactions and Change of Main Business and an affiliated transaction as stipulated in Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency Regulation No. IX.E.1, Appendix of the Decision of Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency Chairman No. KEP-412/BL/2009, dated 25 November 2009 regarding Affiliated Transactions and Conflicts of Interest on Certain Transactions.
OKAS - PT. Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk

Rp 99

-1 (-1,01%)