Date | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 |
Venue | Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jend. Sudirman street Kav. 86, Jakarta 10220 |
Time | 13:30 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | - Approval and ratification of the Directors Report on the Company's business operations and financial administration of the financial year 2015, and Approval and Ratification of the Company's audited Financial Statements, including the Company's Balance Sheet and Income statement in the financial year 2015, and Approval of the Company's Annual Report, the Company's Board of Commissioners oversight report of the financial year 2015, and to release and discharge of all responsibilities (acquit et de charge) to all Board members for the management and supervision carried out in the financial year 2015.
- Approval on the plan to use the Company's net profit of the financial year 2015.
- Election of an Independent Public Accountant firm to audit the Company's books of the financial year 2016, and authorise the Board of Directors to determine the honorarium amount for the Independent Public Accountant and other requirements related to the appointment.
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- Appointment of Board members.
- Determination of duties, authority, salary amount and other benefits for Board members and determination of honorarium and other benefits for Board of Commissioners.
MAPI - PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk
Rp 1.500
+5 (+0,33%)