
Monday, June 27, 2016


Gedung Kana, 2nd Floor 
Jl RP Soeroso No 24 
Jakarta 10330


10:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval and ratification of the Directors Annual Report on the financial performance and condition of the Company for the year 2015 as well as the approval and ratification of the Annual Financial Statements which includes the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement for the year 2015 which have been audited by a Budiman, Henry, Pamudji & Rekan public accounting firm and granting full release and discharge (aquit et decharge) to the Directors and Commissioners from their responsibilities for the Year 2015.
  2. Approval of authorization to the Directors to appoint Public Accountant to perform the audit for the year 2016 and determine the honorarium.
  3. Determination of remuneration of the Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company for the year 2016.


  1. Authorization to the Directors to transfer and/or pledge of all or most of the assets of the Company.
  2. Changes in the Composition of the Management of the Company.
SAFE - PT. Steady Safe Tbk

Rp 248

+8 (+3,00%)