Date | Wednesday, June 29, 2016 |
Venue | Gedung The Energy, 28th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman SCBD Lot. 11 A Jakarta 12190 |
Time | 14:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGM: - Shareholders approval on the Directors Report and the Commissioners Report for the activities conducted by the Company for the year ending in December 31st, 2015 and granting full release and discharge from responsibilities (acquit et discharge) to members of the Directors and Board of Commissioners for the management and supervisory actions conducted during such year.
- Ratification of the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement (Financial Statement) for the year ending in December 31st, 2015.
- Determine the use of Net Profit for the year 2015.
- Shareholders approval to authorize the Board of Commissioners and Directors to appoint an Independent Public Accountant who will audit the financial statements for the year ending in December 31st, 2016 and determination of the fee of the Public Accountant.
- Approval of changes in the composition of members of the Board of Commissioners.
- Shareholders approval and ratification of the determination of salary and other benefits of the Directors and Board of Commissioners for the period from January to December 2015.
EGM: - Approval of the plan to transfer treasury shares to members of the Board of Directors and employees with regards to the implementation of Management and Employees Stock Allocation Program.
- Approval of the plan of the Company to conduct capital increase of the Company through the issuance of rights (Rights Issue) to the shareholders of the Company through the Limited Public Offering I with preemptive rights under the provisions of the FSA regulations No.32/POJK.04/2015 on Capital Increase With Pre-emptive Rights of Public Company.
MEDC - PT. Medco Energi Internasional Tbk
Rp 1.010
+10 (+1,00%)