
Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Indonesia Stock Exchange Seminar Room
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower 2, 1st Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190


08:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of Increase in Authorized, Issued and Paid up Capital of the Company with Preemptive Rights (Right Issue).
  2. Approval of the plan to acquire Golden Harvest Cocoa Pte Ltd shares, which is an affiliated party and material transaction with a transaction value of more than 50% of the equity of the Company as stipulated in Bapepam-LK’s regulation No. IX.E.1 and Bapepam-LK’s regulation No. IX.E.2.
  3. Approval of the plan to take-over the Company's shares through the Limited Public Offering of the Company with Preemptive Rights.
BTEK - PT. Bumi Teknokultura Unggul Tbk

Rp 6

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