Concerning a significant increase about Rp. 975 in cumulative shares price of PT. Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk (KREN) or 100% from the closing price on August 26, 2015 at Rp. 975 to Rp. 1,950 on September 22, 2015, PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia needs to temporary suspend the shares trading of PT. Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk (KREN), to cool down the trading on September 23, 2015.

The temporary suspension is conducted in Regular Market and Cash Market, to provide sufficient time for market participants to carefully consider the investment decision making in KREN shares.

Bourse appeals to all interested parties to always pay attention to the information disclosure submitted by the Company.

KREN - PT. Quantum Clovera Investama Tbk

Rp 10

-1 (-9,00%)