
Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Four Points,
MH. Thamrin street No.9 Menteng,
Jakarta 10350


10:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the Company's plan to conduct stock split from Rp500 per share to Rp100 per share, which to be carried out in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations, and authorise the Company's Board of Directors to carry out stock split according to capital market conditions and in accordance with the provisions of the authorised agency, including the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), in which the Company's shares are listed and traded.
  2. Approval to amend the provisions of the Company Articles of Association, especially related to the amendment to Article 4 of the Articles of Association related to stock split.
  3. Approval of the Company plan to increase capital with Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD), in accordance with OJK Regulation No. 32/POJK.04/2015 regarding the Capital Increase of Public Companies with Pre-emptive Rights (Limited Public Offering II), including the approval of amendments to the Company Articles of Association related to the increase in issued and paid-up capital of the Company in Limited Public Offering II.
  4. Delegation of authority to Board of Directors to conduct the necessary actions related to the decisions, including but not limited to making or requesting all deeds, letters and documents needed, present before authorised parties/officials including a notary, submit an application to the authorised party/officials to obtain approval or report the matter to the authorised party/official and register it in the list of companies as referred in the applicable legislation.
Source #1
PSKT - PT. Red Planet Indonesia Tbk

Rp 34

-3 (-8,00%)