
Friday, November 20, 2015


Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Menara II, 39th floor
M.H. Thamrin street No.51
Jakarta 10350


09:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the changes in the Board members composition.
  2. Approval to change the Company's Audit Committee.
  3. Approval of the Company's plan to increase Capital without Pre-emptive Rights by issuing new shares, which the capital increase is 10% of paid-up capital in accordance with Regulation IX.D.4 Decision of Bapepam Chairman and LK No.Kep-429 / BL / 2009 dated December 9, 2009.
  4. Approval of the increase in paid-up capital of the Company related to the Capital Increase without the Pre-emptive Rights.
  5. Approval of the amendment to the Company's Articles of Association related to the decisions of the meeting, including but not limited to changes in the Company's capital structure.
  6. Approval to list all new shares issued by the Company in PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  7. Approval on the delegation of authority to the Directors with the approval of Board of Commissioners to conduct the new shares issuance without the Pre-emptive Rights, and authorise the Directors of the Company to take all necessary actions for the new shares issuance without Pre-emptive Rights.
  8. Approval on the delegation of authority to Board of Directors, either individually or together, with the right of substitution to conduct the meeting decisions, including but not limited to restating the decision, either part or all in the notary deed, to make or request all necessary deeds, letters and documents to be presented to the authorised party/officials to obtain approval from and/or notify the relevant government institutions, including but not limited to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, and conduct the register or announcement based on applicable laws and regulations, one another without being excluded.
SMMA - PT. Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk

Rp 15.500

-225 (-1,45%)