Extraordinary shareholders meeting result Of Panorama Sentrawisata on March 17, 2017
2017-03-21 19:02:33
Date | Friday, March 17, 2017 |
Venue | Truly Care Room, 6th floor Panorama Building Tomang street No.63 Jakarta |
Time | 09:30 (GMT+7) |
Meetingresult | Approved to implement the Material Transactions in accordance with OJK Regulation No.IX.E.2 Attachment to Decree of the Chairperson of Bapepam and LK Number: Kep-614 / BL / 2011 dated November 28, 2011 regarding the Material Transactions and changes to the Main Business Activity, related to the plan of sales and transfer share ownership in PT. PANORAMA TOURS INDONESIA, the Company Subsidiary, and all shareholdings in PT. PANORAMA TOURS INDONESIA, the Company Subsidiary, by PT. DUTA CHANDRA KENCANA, the Company Indirect Subsidiary. |
PANR - PT. Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk
Rp 965
+45 (+5,00%)