Date | Friday, May 5, 2017 |
Venue | Arjuna Room, 5th floor 18 Parc Place SCBD Jend. Sudirman street Kav.5 |
Time | 14:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGMS - Changes of the Company Management composition.
- Approval to increase the Company investment in its subsidiary, PT. KRESNA USAHA CREATIVE.
- Approval of the shares participation and investments in various companies by the Company and subsidiaries, which are not an Affiliated Transaction as referred in Bapepam LK Regulation No. IX.E.1, regarding the Affiliated Transactions and Conflicts of Interest of Certain Transactions and not Material transactions as referred in Bapepam LK Regulations No IX.E.2 regarding the Material Transactions and Changes to the Main Business Activity.
- Approval to pledge of more than 50% or all of the Company's net assets.
EGMS - Changes of the Company Management composition.
- Approval to increase the investment in subsidiaries, PT KRESNA USE CREATIVE.
- Approval of the shares participation and investments in various companies by the Company and subsidiaries, which are not an Affiliated Transaction.
- Approval to pledge of more than 50% or all of the Company's net assets
KREN - PT. Quantum Clovera Investama Tbk
Rp 10
-1 (-9,00%)