
Friday, May 19, 2017


Leatris Room, Mezzanine floor
Hotel Mulia
Asia Afrika street, Senayan,
Jakarta 10270


10:30 (GMT+7)


  1. The Annual Report of the Board of Directors regarding the course of the Company and the financial administration of the financial year 2016.
  2. Ratification of the Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the financial year 2016.
  3. Changes in the Board members composition.
  4. Approval of the dividend distribution to shareholders amounted to Rp 20 per share of the financial year 2016.
  5. Approval of stock split.
  6. Determination of honorarium and salary for Board members.
  7. Election of an Independent Public Accountant to audit the books of the Company in the financial year 2017, and authorise the Board of Directors to determine the honorarium of the Independent Public Accountant and other terms of appointment.
VOKS - PT. Voksel Electric Tbk

Rp 214

+4 (+2,00%)