
Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Simple Room, 5th floor
Harris Hotel & Conventions Kelapa Gading,
Kelapa Gading Boulevard, Block M,
Jakarta 14240


14:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval and ratification of the Company's Annual Report of the financial year 2016, including the Company's Activity Report, the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report and the Financial Report in the Financial Year 2016, and to release and fully discharge of all responsibilities (acquit et de charge) to all Board members.
  2. Determination on the use of net income of the financial year 2016.
  3. Election of a Public Accountant to audit the Company's financial statements in the financial year 2017, and authorise to determine the honorarium of a Public Accountant and other requirements.
  4. Changes in the Company management composition.
  5. Determination of salaries, honoraria and other benefits for Board members.


  1. Approval to guarantee and/or transfer/release most or all of the Company's assets to obtain loans and/or financing, either from local or overseas, with guarantee value and terms and conditions that are considered good by Board of Directors and with due regard to the applicable provisions .
  2. Approval of the Company's plan to issue bonds or Medium Term Notes (MTN) or other debt securities with value and terms and conditions that are considered good by the Company's Board of Directors, including by guaranteeing and / or transferring, most or all of the Company's assets related to the bonds issuance or the Medium Term Notes (MTN) or the other securities by taking into account the applicable provisions.
  3. Approval of the amendment to the Company Articles of Association, in accordance with POJK No. 30 / POJK.05 / 2014, and POJK number 10 / POJK.04 / 2017.
HDFA - PT. Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk

Rp 103

+3 (+2,91%)