
Monday, May 15, 2017


Auditorium Room
PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, GF floor
Jend. Sudirman street Kav. 52-53,
Jakarta 12190


10:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval and ratification of the Board of Directors Report, regarding the Company's business operations and financial administration in the financial year 2016, and approval and ratification of the Company's Financial Report including the Company audited  Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the financial year 2016, and approval of the Annual Report, the Board of Commissioners oversight report of the financial year 2016, and to release and fully discharge of all responsibilities (acquit et de charge) to all Board members for the management and supervision carried out in the financial year 2016.
  2. Approval of the determination on the use of the Company's Net Profit of the financial year 2016.
  3. Determination of remuneration for Board Members in the Financial Year 2017.
  4. Election of a Public Accountant to audit the Company's books in the financial year 2017, and authorise the Directors to determine the honorarium amount for the Independent Public Accountant and other terms of appointment.


  1. Approval on the issuance of US Dollar-denominated Notes in the amount of US$ 300,000,000 (three hundred million United States Dollars) with a fixed rate, and maturity in 2024 or another period agreed by parties, with an estimated value of more than 50 (fifty per cent) of the Company's equity, based on the Company's Financial Report 2016, which to be issued directly by the Company or issued through a subsidiary whose shares are owned by the Company (Issuer), and to be listed and traded in Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST), which is a Material Transaction as referred in Bapepam and LK regulation no.IX.E.2 regarding Material Transactions and changes to the Main Business Activity, attachment to the Decree of the Bapepam Chairman and LK No. Kep-614 / BL / 2011 dated November 28, 2011 (Regulation No. IX.E.2).
  2. Approval on the plan of the Company and / or the subsidiaries of the Company to pledge, either all or most, of the Company assets, including corporate guarantee and/or to give approval, in the capacity of the Company as a shareholder, to its subsidiaries to pledge, either all or most, of the subsidiaries’ assets, including corporate guarantee by subsidiaries, in order to guarantee the liablities and/or debts of the Issuer and/or other related parties related the Notes.
  3. Approval of changes in the Company domicile.
  4. Delegation of authority with the rights of substitution to Board of Directors to conduct the decisions above, including but not limited, to making or requesting all deeds, letters and documents needed, present before authorised parties/officials, including a notary, submit an application to the authorised parties/officials to obtain approval or report the matter to the authorised parties/officials as referred in the applicable regulation. 
SOCI - PT. Soechi Lines Tbk

Rp 142

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