
Monday, May 15, 2017


PT. Inter Delta Tbk
Gaya Motor Barat Sunter 2 street,
Jakarta 14330


10:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval and Ratification of the Annual Report 2016, including the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2016, and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report and Directors Report, and to release and fully discharge of all responsibilities(acquit et de charge) to all Board members.
  2. Determination on the Use of the Company's Net Profit of the Fiscal Year 2016.
  3. Approval to elect a Public Accountant Firm to audit the Company's financial statements in the financial year 2017 and other periods in the financial year 2017 (if needed), and authorise the Board of Commissioners to determine the honorarium of the Public Accountant and other requirements.
  4. Approval to authorise the Board of Commissioners to determine the amount of salary / honorarium and other benefits for Board members in the financial year 2017. 


  1. Approval of the changes in the Shares par value, from the previous of Rp. 500 per share, to Rp. 100 per share.
  2. Approval of the addition/insertion of the provisions in the Company Articles of Association based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation dated March 14, 2017 no. 10 / POJK.04 / 2017, regarding the Amendment to the Financial Services Authority Regulation dated December 8, 2014 no. 32 / POJK.04 / 2014 regarding the plan and establishment of the Shareholders General Meeting of a Public Company.
INTD - PT. Inter Delta Tbk

Rp 196

-2 (-1,00%)