
Tuesday, May 23, 2017


PT. Kedawung Setia Industrial Tbk
Mastrip street No. 862 Warugunung – Karangpilang,
Surabaya 60221


14:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Presentation of the Company activity report during the financial year 2016.
  2. Ratification of the Consolidated Financial Report, Income Statement, and the other Comprehensive Income of the Company and Subsidiary of the financial year 2016, and the determination on the use of net income.
  3. Election of a Public Accountant for the financial year 2017.
  4. Approval to authorise the Board of Directors to conduct legal acts as required in Article 12 Paragraph 4 of the Company Articles of Association.
KDSI - PT. Kedawung Setia Industrial Tbk

Rp 400

+12 (+3,00%)