
Monday, May 22, 2017


Panin Bank Building, 4th floor
Jend. Sudirman street Kav. 1 Senayan
Jakarta 10270


10:00 (GMT+7)


  1. The Company Annual Report of the financial year 2016, including the ratification of the Company Financial Statements in the financial year 2016, and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report in the financial year 2016.
  2. Approval on the use of profit of the financial year 2016.
  3. Election of a Public Accountant Firm to audit the Company's Financial Statements in the fiscal year 2017 and other requirements related to the appointment.
  4. Changes to the Company Management.
  5. Determination of salary or honoraria, bonuses and allowances for Board of Commissioners, and salaries, bonuses and benefits for Board of Directors.
  6. Amendments to the Company Articles of Association.
  7. Approval to pledge, either for more than 50% (fifty per cent) or all, of the Company net assets, to obtain loan facilities from Banks, venture capital companies, finance companies, or infrastructure financing companies, or public (through the securities issuance other than Equity, through a Public Offering).
VRNA - PT. Mizuho Leasing Indonesia Tbk

Rp 81

+2 (+3,00%)