
Friday, September 29, 2017


Bakrie Tower Meeting Room Level 25
Rasuna Epicentrum,  H.R Rasuna Said street, South Jakarta


14:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval of the establishment of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which has expired and ratifies all actions of Board members until the date of Annual GMS.
  2. Approval of the Board of Directors Annual Report, regarding the activity and management of the company in the financial year 2016, and ratification of the company's financial statements (consisting of the Balance Sheet and the Company's Income statement) in the financial year 2016, and to release and fully discharge of all responsibilities (acquit et de charge) to all Board members for the management supervision carried out during the financial year 2016, as such actions reflected in the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Company.
  3. Approval to authorise the Board of Commissioners to appoint a public accounting firm to audit the company's financial statements 2017, and the other periods in 2017, if it is necessary, and authorise the Board of Commissioners to determine the honorarium amount of public accountant and other requirements.
  4. Approval on the determination of the amount of salaries and allowances for board members, and the delegation of authority to board of commissioners to determine the amount of salaries and benefits for all board members.
  5. Approval of changes in the composition of the board of commissioners and directors of the company in accordance with Article 15 paragraph 4 of the company's articles of association, members of the board of commissioners are appointed by the GMS and in accordance with Article 15 paragraph 7 of the company's articles of association, the company is obliged to hold a GMS to decide on the request for resignation of members of the board of commissioners


  1. Approval to pledge, all or a large portion, of assets of the company and/or its subsidiaries, or to issue a Corporate Guarantee to obtain funding (Financing) and/or refinancing.
ENRG - PT. Energi Mega Persada Tbk

Rp 170

-13 (-7,00%)