
Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Sunda Kelapa Room, Batavia Tower 2 Apartment, 5th floor
 KH. Mas Mansyur street, Bendungan Hilir, Tanah Abang
Jakarta 10220


 14:00 (GMT+7)


Approval to increase capital through Limited Public Offering I (PUT I) with Preemptive Rights (HMETD) in accordance with Regualtion Number IX.D.1 regarding the Pre-emptive Rights, Attachment to Decision of Bapepam Chairman -Number 26/PM/2003 dated July 17, 2003, including:

  1. Approval of the  amendment to Article 4 paragraph 2 and 3 of the Company Articles of Association regarding the increase of the Company's capital related to the PUT I;
  2. Delegation of authority to Board of Commissioners and/or Board of Directors to take all necessary actions in the establishment of LPO I.
AGRS - PT. Bank IBK Indonesia Tbk

Rp 62

-1 (-1,59%)