Bonds structure:
Issuer PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI)
Shelf registered bonds with total amount Rp 20 trillion
Fourth stage issuance Rp 2.442 billion
Two series bond
  1. A series Rp 1.837 billion, fixed interest 6.65%, due date on February 21, 2023
  2. B series Rp 605 miliar, fixed interest 6.90%, due date on February 21, 2025
Bonds rating IDAAA (TRIPLE A) by PT. Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO)
  1. PT. Bahana Sekuritas (Affiliated)
  2. PT. BCA Sekuritas
  3. PT. Danareksa Sekuritas (Affiliated)
  4. PT. DBS Vickers Sekuritas Indonesia
  5. PT. Indo Premier Sekuritas
Proceed usage

to expand the business of the company by channeling credit with
applying the principles of prudential banking and good corporate governance

Time table:
Offering period February 14-15, 2018
Allotment February 19, 2018
Listing February 22, 2018
Latest performance indicators:
Total debts (subordinated bonds)  
Net interest income per December 31, 2017 Rp 73,005,487 million
Net profit per December 31, 2017 Rp 29,044,334 million
CAR &  net NPL December 31, 2017 22.96% & 0.88%
Controlling shareholders

As of December 31, 2017

  • (Serie A) - Goverment of the republic of Indonesia (Dwiwarna) 0.00%
  • (Serie B) - Goverment of The Republic of Indonesia 56.75%
  • (Serie B) - Public (each below 5%) 43.25%
BBRI - PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Rp 3.920

+30 (+0,77%)