PT. Panca Global Securities Tbk (PEGE) has agreed to change the name of the Company which is effective on March 6, 2018, initially PT Panca Global Securities Tbk has changed its name to PT. Panca Global Kapital Tbk, in accordance with the Deed of Decision of the General Meeting of Limited Liability Company PT. Panca Global Securities Tbk No. 18 dated March 6, 2018, made before Dahlia, S.H., replacement of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., the Notary in Jakarta mentioned above, and has obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights No: AHU-0005182. AH.01.02. 2018 dated March 6, 2018.

All of the Company's rights and obligations as contained in the agreement, check, current account and/or other documents that have been issued or made in the name of PT Panca Global Securities Tbk with the related parties remain valid and have legal force until the expiration date. (W)

PEGE - PT. Panca Global Kapital Tbk

Rp 105

+1 (+1,00%)