Date | Thursday, April 19, 2018 |
Venue | Auditorium, Management Building Garuda City Ground Floor, Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Tangerang-15111 |
Time | 09:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGM: - Approval of the Annual Report of the Company for the Fiscal Year 2017, including the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements and the Company's Partnership and Community Development Program Financial Statements, and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report 2017, and to release and discharge of all responsibilities to Board members for the management and supervision carried out in the financial year 2017.
- Determination of Remuneration (Salary / Honorarium, Facilities and Allowances) for Board members in the Fiscal Year 2018.
- Election of a Public Accountant Firm to Audit the Company's Financial Report for the Financial Year 2018, and the Financial Report of the Company's Partnership and Community Development Program in the fiscal year 2018.
- Report on the proceeds usage from Initial Public Offering, and report of the Management and Employee Stock Options Program (MESOP).
- Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association.
- Confirmation of Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-02 / MBU / 07/2017 regarding Second Amendment to Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-09 / MBU / 07/2015 regarding the State-Owned Enterprise Partnership and Community Development Program.
- Confirmation of the Minister of BUMN (SEO) Regulation No. PER-03 / MBU / 08/2017 regarding the Guidelines for Cooperation in State-Owned Enterprises jo. Minister of BUMN (SEO) Regulation No. PER04 / MBU / 09/2017 regarding the amendment to Minister of BUMN (SEO) Regulation No. PER-03 / MBU / 08/2017 regarding Guidelines for State-Owned Enterprises Cooperation.
- Changes of the Company Management.
EGM: - Approval of the Material transaction, Global Bonds Issuance
GIAA - PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
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