
Friday, May 18, 2018


INTA Building,5th Floor, Auditorium Room
Cakung Road - Cilincing KM 3.5
Jakarta 14130


02:00 PM



  1. The Company's Annual Report for the fiscal year 2017, and the Annual Financial Statement 2017 and the Board of Commissioners oversight report for the fiscal year 2017.
  2. Appointment of an Independent Public Accountant registered in the Financial Services Authority to audit the Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2017, and delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to determine the honorarium amount of the Public Accountant.
  3. Determination of honorarium for Board of Commissioner members and authorise the Board of Commissioners to determine duties, salaries and allowances amount for Board of Directors.
  4. Report on the proceeds usage from the Capital increase with Pre-emptive Rights 1 ("PMHMETD 1").


  1. Approval on the implementation of the decision of the Postponement of Debt Payment ("PKPU") No.123 / PDT.SUS.PKPU / 2017 / PKPU / 2017 / PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst.
  2. Approval of the Board of Directors to conduct the signing and Corporate Guarantee by the Company related to the Company's subsidiaries' debts or receiving credit facilities from the already exist and / or future creditors, and pledging most of the Company's assets, either they are already obtained  or will be obtained by the Company, including among others: fiduciary, transfer of the Company's assets, claims, guarantees, indemnities for the benefit of the creditor of the Company or its subsidiaries, whether it is given to the creditor or will be given.
INTA - PT. Intraco Penta Tbk

Rp 11

-1 (-8,00%)