
Friday, May 25, 2018


Ebony Room, Aryaduta Lippo Village Hotel
Jend. Sudirman Street, Lippo Karawaci


10:30 AM


  1. Approval of the Annual Report, including the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report of the Company for the financial year 2017.
  2. The determination of profit usage of the fiscal year 2017 and to authorise the Board of Directors of the Company to determine the realisation implementation in accordance with the applicable Laws and Regulations.
  3. Appointment of a Public Accountant of the fiscal year 2018 and delegation of authority to the Commissioner related with the appointment of the Public Accountant.
  4. Approval on the determination of remuneration for members of Board of Directors and Commissioners.
  5. Report on the Proceeds usage from the Public Offering are as follow:
    1. Bond Mayora Indah IV 2012 and Sukuk Mudharabah II Mayora Indah 2012.
    2. Sustainable Public Offering, Sustainable Bonds I PT. Mayora Indah Phase I 2017 ("Phase I Sustainable Public Offering").
    3. Sustainable Public Offering, Sustainable Bonds I PT. Mayora Indah Phase II 2017 ("Phase II Sustainable Public Offering").
MYOR - PT. Mayora Indah Tbk

Rp 2.290

-10 (-0,44%)