
Thursday, June 28, 2018


Panin Bank Building 4th floor
Jend.Sudirman Street Kav 1 Senayan
Jakarta 10270


01:00 PM


  1. Approval of the Company's Annual Report on business activities and ratification of the Company's Annual Financial Statements, and to release and discharge the members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company for the management and supervision of the Company for the fiscal year 2017
  2. Approval on the profit usage of the financial year 2017
  3. Appointment of members of Board of Commissioners of the Company related to the end of term of office
  4. Determination of honorarium for members of Board of Commissioners of the Company
  5. Delegation of authority to Board of Commissioners of the Company to determine the amount of salary and allowance of members of Board of Directors
  6. Appointment of a Public Accountant to audit the Company's financial statement for the financial year 2018
PNIN - PT. Paninvest Tbk

Rp 850

+10 (+1,00%)