
Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Gowork Coworking & Office, Space, Chubb Square (UOB Plaza) 8th Floor
MH.Thamrin Road No.10, Jakarta 10230


10:00 AM



  1. Approval and ratification of the Company's annual report, including the Board of Directors reports, Board of Commissioners oversight report, as well as the ratification of the Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2017
  2. Determination on the Company's Profit usage of the fiscal year 2017
  3. Determination of the Public Accountant of the Company for the Fiscal Year 2018 and determine the honorarium amount of the Public Accountant and the other Requirements


  1. Dismissal and appointment of the company management
  2. The closing of Syariah Business Unit, PT.Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk
  3. Approval for the use of all assets owned by the company as a collateral to banks and non-bank institutions that provided loans to the company
TRUS - PT. Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk

Rp 1.295

+35 (+3,00%)