PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia has approved the implementation of reverse stock split B series of PT. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk (BCIC), with details are as follow:

Types of Shares

Before Reverse Stock Split

After Reverse Stock Split

Nominal Value (Rp)

Number of Shares

Nominal Value (Rp)

Number of Shares

Series B





In addition, Indonesia Exchange has also approved the plan to list the Company's additional shares, Series A Shares with a total of 10,011,841,000 shares at a nominal value of Rp 1,000.

Based on the Government Regulation No.29 of 1999, the Company can only register its shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange as much as 99% of the total paid up capital of the Company. To fulfill the provision, there are additional Series A shares which are not listed as much as 100,118,410 shares owned by PT. Jtrust Investments Indonesia. The listed Series A shares are 9,911,722,590 shares.

Starting from Wednesday, October 3, 2018, the number of Series A and Series B shares of PT. Bank Jtrust Indonesia Tbk listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange are as much as 9,912,003,256 shares with a share price of Rp 450. (W)

BCIC - PT. Bank Jtrust Indonesia Tbk

Rp 184

-15 (-8,00%)