PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk (SIMP), on June 26, 2014, has completed the implementation of the share repurchase of the Company (Buyback), which has been issued and listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange amounting 315,000,000 shares, under the approval of General Meeting Extraordinary Shareholders on May 24, 2013.

A brief description about the plan of share transfer from the buyback result were as follows:

  1. The buyback shares will be transferred maximum of 315,000,000 shares by selling in Indonesian Stock Exchange.

  2. The Company has appointed PT. Harita Kencana Securities as Stock Exchange Member who will perform the share transfer of the buyback result regarding Bapepam-LK No. XI.B.2.

  3. The time of the share transfer of buyback result will be carried out in 14 days, after the date of this Information Disclosure.

  4. The shares transfer mechanism from the buyback result will be carried out by following the provisions of Bapepam-LK No. IX.B.2.

SIMP - PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk

Rp 386

+2 (+1,00%)