PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange has approved the share listing from the exercise of preemptive rights (Right issue) PT. Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk (BACA).

Description of Securities to be listed were as follows:

Number of shares 3,688,530 shares
Origin of shares The exercise of Preemptive rights III
Listing date January 21, 2016
Trading date January 21, 2016

In order to implement the Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah /PP) No. 29 of 1999 regarding the shares purchase of General Bank, which says the Bank shares only can be listed in Stock Exchange as much as 99%,then from the implementation of Limited Public Offering III of PT. Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk, there was shares addition which was not listed in the amount of 6,396,582 registered shares on Danny Nugroho, so the total shares not listed was 70,370,743 shares.

By those shares listing, PT. Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk currently has total shares of 6,966,703,510 listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. 

BACA - PT. Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk

Rp 130

+1 (+0,77%)