Date | Thursday, March 10, 2016 |
Venue | Sumba C Room, Borobudur Hotel, Level 3, Lapangan Banteng Selatan street No.1 Jakarta 10710 |
Time | 10:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGM: - Approval of the Annual Report and ratification of the Company's Annual Financial Report of the Financial Year 2015.
- Approval and ratification of the determination on the use of the Company's Net Profit of the Financial Year 2015.
- To release and discharge of all responsibilities (acquite et charge) to Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners for the management and supervision carried out in 2015.
- Approval of delegation of authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders to Board of Commissioners to elect a Public Accountant Firm to audit the Company's Financial Report 2016.
- Accountability report of the proceeds usage from the Initial Public Offering (IPO).
EGMS: - The shares issuance in deposits through the Limited Public Offering to shareholders with Pre-emptive Right (Right Issue).
BBYB - PT. Bank Neo Commerce Tbk
Rp 177
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