Date | Friday, October 25, 2019 |
Venue | The Bridge Function Room Hotel Aston Rasuna Jakarta, Taman Rasuna Apartment Complex HR. Rasuna Said, South Jakarta |
Time | 14:00 - 16:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | - Approval of the Directors' accountability report regarding the Company's operations in the financial year 2018.
- Approval and ratification of the Financial Report and the Company's Comprehensive Income Statement and Other Income in the financial year 2018.
- Approval on the use of the Company's profit of the financial year 2018.
- Approval of Election of a Public Accountant Firm to audit the Company's Financial Report of the financial year 2019.
- Approval to extend the mandate to Board of Commissioners related to the issuance of Series B Shares to implement warrants to be issued to restructure global bonds.
- Approval of the amendment to Article 3 of the Articles of Association to be adjusted with the Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI) 2017
ELTY - PT. Bakrieland Development Tbk
Rp 12
-1 (-8,33%)