As in the information disclosure referred to in this announcement was conveyed to shareholders of the Company, related with the Company's plan to conduct the shares repurchase of Company, which have been issued (buyback III) in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Regulation No.IX.B.2 about repurchasing the shares issued by the Issuer or Public Company, attachment of the (Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency) Bapepam Chairman Decision of No. KEP-105 / BL / 2010 on April 13, 2010 (Regulation No.IX.B.2) with the purpose to provide a clear picture related to the Company's plan for Buyback III.

The maximum amount of buyback III which will be executed was 1,21% of the total shares issued by the Company or amounted to 18,080,700 shares, with the total nominal value of all shares to be bought back amounting to Rp1,808,070,000.

The buyback III will be conducted after obtaining the approval from the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM). Pursuant to Rule No. XI.B.2, the buyback III period was proposed in a maximum of 18 months, since the date when EGM approved the buyback III. If the EGM on May 28, 2015 approved the Buyback III, then the buyback III will be conducted in the period May 29, 2015-November 28, 2016.

In terms of the buyback III plan was approved by EGM, PT. BCA Securities will be as a member and PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia/Indonesia Stock Exchange will act as Securities Broker Dealer, who conducted the buyback III.

APLI - PT. Asiaplast Industries Tbk

Rp 476

-6 (-1,00%)