
Thursday, April 7, 2016


Grand Ballroom, Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, 11th Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1
Jakarta 10310


09:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the Company’s Annual Report including the Company’s Financial Statements and the Board of Commissioners’ Supervision Report for the financial year ended on 31 December 2015, and the granting of release and discharge (acquit et decharge)to all members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company for their management and supervision during the financial year ended on 31 December 2015.
  2. Appropriation of the Company’s profit for the financial year ended on 31 December 2015.
  3. Confirmation of the expiry the term of office of members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, and appointment of members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company.
  4. Determination of remuneration or honorarium and benefits for the financial year of 2016, and tantiem for the financial year of 2015 for members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company.
  5. Appointment of the Registered Public Accountant to audit the Company’s books for the financial year ended on 31 December 2016.
  6. Authorization for the Board of Directors to pay interim dividends for the financial year ended 31 December 2016.
BBCA - PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk

Rp 8.750

-225 (-2,51%)