Referring to the letter of PT Akbar Indo Makmur Stimec Tbk (AIMS) on 30 April 2015, regarding the submission of Interim Financial Statement of the Company as of March 31, 2015, which in its Financial Statement, the Company did not earn operating profit. By considering the condition of the Company, Stock Exchange decided to temporarily suspend the trading securities of PT Akbar Indo Makrnur Stimec Tbk. (AIMS) in all markets since the first session of trading securities on May 4, 2015, until further notice by Stock Exchange.

Stock Exchange appealed to all stakeholders to always pay attention on any information disclosure conveyed by PT Akbar Indo Makmur Stimec Tbk.

AIMS - PT. Artha Mahiya Investama Tbk

Rp 356

+4 (+1,00%)