JAKARTA - With the increasing spread of Covid-19, the Government has taken a policy to implement the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). This is stated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 15 of 2021 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities for Corona Virus Disease 2019 in the Java and Bali Regions.
"In order to maintain the sustainability of strategic economic sectors, especially the industrial sector, we have issued a number of statements through the Minister of Industry's statement (Ministerial Statements)," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta, Sunday (4/7).
The Minister of Industry's statements include supporting Emergency PPKM and collaborating with related parties, ensuring the fulfillment of basic community needs needed during the Covid-19 pandemic, and supporting industrial sector operations during Emergency PPKM through instruments in the form of Industry Operational Permits and Activity Mobility (IOMKI).
As of July 4, 2021, 19,280 IOMKIs have been issued, with 392 permits revoked. Based on the results of the supervision that has been carried out, the number of IOMKI covers around 5.2 million workers in the industrial sector, so that they have proven effective in maintaining the continuity of industrial activities from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. (LM)