An Overview of Indonesian Population in 2018

By 2018, Indonesia's population has reached the number 265,015,313 citizens, steadily contributing slightly over 3.5% of world inhabitants. Of that number, among 34 provinces, the most populated province in West Java, while the youngest province North Kalimantan is resided by the least people. The male and female population ratio in Indonesia doesn’t show a significant difference.
If we take a closer look at the population density in the major islands in Indonesia, it’s clear that all provinces in Java island, except Yogyakarta, have spots on the largest population list. West Java is home to more than 46 million people, even being the second biggest province in Java by area. Following that is East Java, the biggest province in Java, with almost 40 million residents, and Central Java with slightly below 35 million. Interestingly, North Sumatera comes up next as the only province from out of Java on the list, with 14 million people.
On the other hand, the provinces with the smallest population come from all the other regions in Indonesia. The least populated province is North Kalimantan with as few as 716 thousand residents, followed by West Papua with 937 thousand. These two provinces are the only ones with fewer than 1 million population. The other provinces on the list are Gorontalo and West Sulawesi in Sulawesi island, North Maluku in Moluccas archipelago, and Bangka Belitung in Sumatera region.
Speaking from a gender ratio perspective, there are 101 males per 100 females in Indonesia, with the male population upped female only by 1,25 million. In productive ages from 15-64, the amount of male and female population is almost identical, which is around 90 million and 89 million respectively. That said, Indonesia has more male than female children under 14 years old than females but more female than male senior citizens. (KD)