Java is Still The Indonesia's Top Rice Producers

Rice as one of the staple foods in Indonesia has to be produced in massive quantity each year. In 2018, there is a total of 56,974,642 tonnes of rice produced in the country. Let's take a look at the list of provinces that produces the most rice in 2018 below.
As the largest province by area in Java island, East Java is the top producer of rice in Indonesia. The province itself can produce 10.5 million tonnes or almost 20% of the total country’s production. Lamongan and Jember Regencies are notable as the granaries of the province with almost 1 million tonnes of rice produced each.
The next one on the list is West Java with 9.64 million tonnes of rice production. Indramayu and Karawang Regencies are famous for being the main producers of rice in Pasundan land. This number is followed closely by Central Java that produced 9.60 million in the same year. Cilacap and Grobogan Regencies are the notable rice producers in this region. Both provinces contributed 17% each to Indonesia’s rice production this year.
South Sulawesi is the biggest rice producer outside of Java. This region was able to produce 5.79 million tonnes of rice or 10% of the country’s production. Bone Regency is mentioned to be the biggest contributor with almost 500 thousand tonnes of rice production. The last province presented on the list is South Sumatera, producing 2.68 million tonnes of rice or around 5% of state total production. Banyuasin and Oku Timur Regencies are noteworthy as the considerable producers in this region.
After all, these five major rice producers provide two-third of Indonesia’s rice production in 2018, while the other 29 provinces are only able to supply the remaining 33%. Among the biggest producers, three provinces are located in Java, explaining that Java is still the main barn of this Indonesia’s staple food. (KD)