In accordance to the information disclosed by PT Intan Baruprana Finance Tbk through the letter No. 009/IBF/CORSEC-SK/II/2022 dated February 9, 2022, regarding the Report of Material Information or Facts on the Letter of Revocation of Business License from the OJK received by the company, OJK has revoked the business license of the company's financing company. The revocation of the company's business license has the potential to raise doubts regarding the business continuity.

Taking this into account, the Exchange has decided to temporarily suspend the company's trading securities in all Markets starting from the first session on February 10, 2022, until further notice.

The Exchange advises to all interested parties to always pay attention to all information disclosed by the company.


出典 #1
IBFN - PT. Intan Baru Prana Tbk

Rp 11

+1 (+10,00%)