
Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Sinarmas Land Plaza,
Tower II, 39th floor
M.H. Thamrin St No. 51,
Central Jakarta


09:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the company's Annual Report, reviewed by Board of Commissioners, including the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report; and the Ratification of the Company's Financial Statements of the financial year 2021.
  2. Approval to determine the use of the company net profit of the financial year 2021.
  3. Approval of the delegation of authority to Board of Commissioners on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the company regarding the determination of salaries, allowances, bonuses, and/or bonuses to all Board members in the financial year 2022.
  4. Approval of delegation of authority to the Company's Board of Commissioners to elect of a Public Accountant Firm to audit the company Financial Report of the financial year 2022.
  5. Approval of resignation from Mr. Gideon Lie as Director of the company.
  6. Approval of regular internal audit plan of Controlling Shareholders (MSI Group).


出典 #1
LIFE - PT. MSIG Life Insurance Indonesia Tbk

Rp 6.175

+150 (+2,00%)