
Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Matahari Ballroom Sunlake Hotel
Danau Permai Raya St Block C1,
Sunter, North Jakarta.


10:00 (GMT+7


  1. Approval of the company's Annual Report 2021, including the company's Business Activity Report, the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report, and ratification of the company's Financial Statements 2021; and to release and discharge of all responsibilities (volledig acquit et de charge) to all Board members for the management and supervision carried out in the financial year 2021.
  2. Approval of the use of the company's net profit of the financial year 2021.
  3. Approval for the election of a Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Firm to audit the company's Financial Statements of the financial year 2022 and authorise Board of Directors to determine the honorarium and the other requirement.
  4. Determination of Remuneration and Allowances for Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in the financial year 2022 and 2023.
  5. Proceeds usage report from the Initial Public Offering (IPO), stated in the Prospectus; approval for the remaining proceeds usage from the initial public offering, which has been fully realised according to the plan, all remaining proceeds will be used for operational activities and/or in addition to the working capital.


出典 #1
SNLK - PT. Sunter Lakeside Hotel Tbk

Rp 745

-15 (-2,01%)