
Friday, July 8, 2022


Head Office
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk
RS. Fatmawati St No. 32, South Jakarta
(access through Anuraga St.)


09:00 (GMT+7)


  1. The Board of Directors Report regarding the company's Activities of the financial year 2021.
  2. Ratification of the company's Consolidated Statement of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement, and the Other Comprehensive Income of the financial year 2021, and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report.
  3. Determination and approval on Profits usage of the financial year 2021.
  4. Re-appointment of Board of Commissioners.
  5. Determination of Salaries and/or Other Benefits for Board members.
  6. Appointment of Public Accounting Firm and Public Accountant of the financial year 2022.
  7. Approval of the company's Business Plan 2022-2024 to comply with POJK No. 24/POJK.05/2019.


出典 #1
ASBI - PT. Asuransi Bintang Tbk

Rp 432

-8 (-2,00%)